A resounding call for empowerment and self-reliance echoed through the halls of Satya Sai Vidya Vihar School as a momentous campaign was launched under the esteemed banner of the Sports Association of Mixed Martial Arts, Madhya Pradesh. This initiative, driven by the visionary President of the association, Devendra Pratap Singh Tomar, commenced its journey at Satya Sai Vidya Vihar School in Indore. With the objective of empowering women and girls across the city, the campaign aims to extend its influence to schools, colleges, and institutions related to women.
The inauguration ceremony witnessed the presence of notable dignitaries, including Secretary Sensei Vikash Sharma and the entire team of Self Defense Trainers. A staggering participation of approximately 2000 girl students from the school marked a powerful beginning to this campaign. This endeavor, driven by an association of 40 national and international level trainers, envisions the empowerment of more than 50,000 girls and women in Indore through self-defense awareness.
Gracing the event with his presence, Superintendent of Police Mr. Awadhesh Goswami, representing the Indore Police, officially inaugurated the campaign. The campaign’s underlying motive to bolster women and girls with self-reliance was applauded by all. Additional Superintendent of Police Dr. Prashant Choubey, Principal of Satya Sai Vidya Vihar School Mrs. Punita Nehru, and Vice President of the Sports Association Mixed Martial Arts Association Mr. Santosh Chopra were among the dignitaries who shared their insights during the event.
The campaign’s essence lies in its dedication to fostering a sense of empowerment and self-reliance among women and girls. By imparting self-defense skills and techniques, the initiative equips participants with invaluable tools that not only enhance their physical preparedness but also nurture a heightened sense of confidence and self-assurance.
Appreciating the noble campaign, Superintendent of Police Mr. Awadhesh Goswami also acknowledged the critical role that the police administration plays in ensuring women’s safety and empowerment. The campaign served as a platform to educate participants about important policies and helpline numbers, enhancing their understanding of available resources.
The launch of this campaign signifies a vital step forward in creating a society where women and girls can stand tall and navigate their surroundings with resilience. It stands as a tribute to collective efforts and collaboration in uplifting women and equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed for self-defense. As the campaign continues to unfurl its impact across Indore, it promises to be a catalyst for change, driving a future where women and girls confidently champion their own safety and empowerment.