Empowering Futures: Sakshi Foundation’s Leap in Free Education for Neemuch’s Children


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In a commendable move towards educational inclusivity, Sakshi Suraksha Welfare Foundation has inaugurated free education centers in Neemuch Tehsil, marking a new chapter in their commitment to empower underprivileged children. The centers, located in 36 A Colony, Harwar, and Neemuch City’s Madhavganj Mohalla, were inaugurated on November 21, 2023, symbolizing a beacon of hope for the children of poor, laborers, and helpless families.

The initiative, led by Mrs. Kiran Sharma and Nividhi Joganiya, aims to provide 2 hours of additional education daily. This endeavor is not just about imparting academic knowledge; it’s a holistic approach to nurturing young minds. The centers will be managed by dedicated Shikshamitras, including Kavita Ahirwar and Komal Ahirwar in Harwar, ensuring personalized attention to every child.

The inauguration event saw the active participation of the organization’s President, Santosh Chopra, Treasurer Gajendra Sharma, and other esteemed members like Coach Ashish Chauhan, Mohan, Deepak Garg, Sunil Patel, and Vivek Kataria. Their presence underscored the collaborative effort and community involvement in this noble cause.

The Sakshi Foundation has been a pillar in the community since 2016, relentlessly working towards the upliftment of the less fortunate. In addition to education, the Foundation has made significant strides in empowering women and girls through self-defense training, impacting approximately four lakh individuals across India.

During the inauguration, the attendees were reminded of the Foundation’s broader vision by legal advocate Sunil Patel. He emphasized the importance of equipping these children for future opportunities in government and non-government sectors, including careers as doctors, engineers, and police officers.

The initiative is more than just about opening education centers; it’s about instilling values and life skills. Vivek Kataria and Shailendra Agarwal elaborated on the importance of cleanliness and moral values, integral aspects of the holistic education approach Sakshi Foundation advocates for.

The Foundation’s secretary, Vinod Kumar Irwar, shared insights into the organization’s journey and its continuous efforts in supporting the needy since 2016. Their mission extends beyond the classroom walls, encompassing the broader goal of societal development through education and empowerment.

The inauguration concluded with a vote of thanks by organization member Anand Ahirwar, encapsulating the collective gratitude towards everyone involved in this laudable project.

As the Sakshi Foundation forges ahead with this project, it invites the community to be a part of this transformative journey. Whether as volunteers, donors, or advocates, each contribution brings us closer to a world where education is not a privilege but a right for every child. Together, we can build a future where knowledge is the gateway to empowerment and success for every child in Neemuch.

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