On 22 January 2025, on the completion of 1 year of Shri Ram idol Pran Pratishtha in Scheme Number 36 A, a grand Shobha Yatra was taken out with band music, in which children and adults were seen dancing and singing in the Shobha Yatra wearing saffron color. Every street of Scheme No. 36 A echoed with the name of Shri Ram. On this occasion, the Shobha Yatra from the Free Education Center run by Sakshi Suraksha Welfare Foundation was given a grand welcome with flowers by Ashok ji Bagdi, Kiran Sharma, Neha Sharma, Sona Amraja and members of Sakshi Welfare Foundation.
On 30 October 2024, sweets and crackers were distributed to the children by Sakshi Suraksha Welfare Foundation in the free education center scheme no. 36 A run by Sakshi Suraksha Welfare Foundation
A free health training camp was organized under the joint aegis of Sakshi Suraksha Welfare Foundation and Jai Shri Arogya Public Welfare Organization, Neemuch
Welcome of the procession of Lord Kileshwar Mahadev, dated 12.08.2023. On Monday, at 5 pm, the procession of Shri Kileshwar Mahadev Ji will go on a city tour in a grand form from Shri Kileshwar Temple. Witness security in the procession from Shri Kileshwar Mahadev Temple, Welfare Foundation and FOK (fight of knight) welcomed the procession at Gyan Mandir intersection by showering flowers from JCB. Sakshi Suraksha Welfare Foundation & fok martial arts academy Neemuch (M.P.)
On 22 January 2025, on the completion of 1 year of Shri Ram idol Pran Pratishtha in Scheme Number 36 A, a grand Shobha Yatra was taken out with band music, in which children and adults were seen dancing and singing in the Shobha Yatra wearing saffron color. Every street of Scheme No. 36 A echoed with the name of Shri Ram. On this occasion, the Shobha Yatra from the Free Education Center run by Sakshi Suraksha Welfare Foundation was given a grand welcome with flowers by Ashok ji Bagdi, Kiran Sharma, Neha Sharma, Sona Amraja and members of Sakshi Welfare Foundation.
Welcome of the procession of Lord Kileshwar Mahadev, dated 12.08.2023. On Monday, at 5 pm, the procession of Shri Kileshwar Mahadev Ji will go on a city tour in a grand form from Shri Kileshwar Temple. Witness security in the procession from Shri Kileshwar Mahadev Temple, Welfare Foundation and FOK (fight of knight) welcomed the procession at Gyan Mandir intersection by showering flowers from JCB. Sakshi Suraksha Welfare Foundation & fok martial arts academy Neemuch (M.P.)
The program of planting 7500 Neem seed balls is being done by Sakshi Suraksha Foundation with the help of Municipality under the guidance of popular MLA Ji Dilip Singh Ji Parihar. Dated 11/8/24 2 o’clock in the afternoon Location: Shahbudin Baba Dargah, inside Pulia Muktidham, near the nearby river
Summer camp organized by Sakshi Foundation concludes Neemuch 15th May 2024 Summer camp organized from 05 April 2024 to 15 May 2024 under the aegis of Sakshi Suraksha Welfare Foundation Sakshi Suraksha Welfare Foundation It was done at Chandra Bhavar Sakshi office in front of the Municipality. Training in beauty parlor, mehndi and painting was given in the camp. In this training given by trainers Garima, Muskaan, Chanda Sharma, 50 girls and women from Neemuch city and surrounding villages received training. At the conclusion of the program, all the trainers and trainers were congratulated by Sakshi Suraksha Welfare Foundation President Santosh Chopra, Treasurer Gajendra Sharma, Councilor Ramchandra Dhangar was honored with a certificate of appreciation in the presence of organization secretary Vinod Kumar Irwar, Mukesh Chopra (Kalu Bhaiya), former councilor Sanjay Pawar etc. In this series, training on beauty parlor, mehndi, painting etc. was given by Santosh Chopra, President of the organization. In future too, the organization will always support for self-reliant and self-protection camps for girls and women. The program was conducted by Vinod Irwar.